What we Offer



Our product offerings are designed to suit the full range of energy procurement and risk management strategies. From Market-based rates to Fixed and Renewable offerings, we provide a customized approach to commodity supply and price risk exposure.


Lock-in a price for all your electric usage, with Approved’s fully hedged Fixed Price option.
Avoid the risks of a volatile, changing market by choosing an all-inclusive Fixed price. Approved’s Fixed product affords budget certainty for contract terms up to 5 years.

Block &

Fix a price for a percent of your consumption, float the rest on the market.
Manage price risk your way, with a Block & Index product that fixes a price for some of your usage, while the rest floats at a monthly market rate. When market conditions change, convert to an all-in Fixed price that protects you from market movement.


Lock-in a price for one component of your electricity service, with a monthly settlement for the rest.
Electricity price has 3 main components: Energy, Capacity, Transmission. Approved hedges your Energy needs, and passes-through the monthly Capacity and Transmission costs at no markup to the wholesale settlement price. Frequent tariff changes and new regulations increase Cap & Trans costs. Approved helps minimize the price shocks by charging a wholesale price.


Capture market opportunities with a monthly Index-based rate.
Our Index product allows you to float with the market, capturing price dips as they occur. Approved understands your appetite for risk, and an Index strategy makes the most of market fluctuations. When market pricing moves up, convert to Fixed or Block&Index for greater cost certainty.
Electric Supply

Markets Served


By expanding our market coverage, product offerings and leadership team, APPROVED ENERGY now presents an exciting new option for Commercial buyers, Residential customers and Brokers alike, in deregulated energy markets across the country. Our competitive pricing, innovative products and superior service come together for customers in a way that our competitors are unable (or unwilling) to duplicate.

New York

New Jersey


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  • Con Edison
  • Orange & Rockland | RG&E
  • NYS Electric and Gas
  • National Grid
  • Central Hudson Gas and Electric

*NY: Approved Energy’s presence in Central Hudson and NiMo coming soon.

**PA: Approved Energy’s presence in other Pennsylvania power markets, such as Duquesne Light and Penn Power market, is coming soon.

Enhanced Services

Maintenance Services

Technical Services

Solar Panel Services

why choose us

Save the Planet by Using Renewable Energy

Why Us

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pricing tables

Choose Your Best Offer


 All functions including supply chain, value chain, project scheduling, manufacturing, services and spares, technology, R&D, etc. are integrated to give a complete solutions package.


/ per mo
  • Installation
  • Repair & Replacement
  • Monitoring Work
  • Panel Maintence
  • 24/7 Skilled Support


/ per mo
  • Installation
  • Repair & Replacement
  • Monitoring Work
  • Panel Maintence
  • 24/7 Skilled Support


/ per mo
  • Installation
  • Repair & Replacement
  • Monitoring Work
  • Panel Maintence
  • 24/7 Skilled Support